


60. How to show that you don't want any wine? 如何表明你不需要續酒?

  A simple “No,thank you.” to your waiter will suffice. 直接告訴侍者無需添酒,並表示感謝。

  61. Within how many hours a thanks letter should be sent? 感謝信應在多少小時內發出?

  24 hours is the rule so that the message is not forgotten. 24小時之內。該原則是為了避免雙方忘記此事。

  62. How does a good host or hostess normally do to welcome a guest? 主人應如何接待客人?

  The host should stand up and receive the guest, offer a chair and a cup of coffee. He shouldn't sit down until the guest takes a seat. 主人要起身接待客人,給他讓一個座位並且倒上一杯咖啡,在客人落座之前主人不能坐下。

  63. When the guest rises to leave, what does the host should do? 噹客人起身告辭時,主人需做什麼?The host should go with him as far as the door of the house or the elevator.主人需將客人送到門口或者電梯口,醫學翻譯

  64. When a match comes to the end, how should you leave properly? 比賽即將結束,你應如何正確退場? You should leave after the formal end of the match. 等比賽正式結束後和大傢一起退場。

  65. If you are late for the performance, and also you find somebody else is sitting on your seat, how should you do politely?看演出時你遲到了,並且發現被人佔了座位,你應該怎麼辦?

  Find another absent seat in the corner and sit there quietly. 悄悄在邊角找個空位坐下。

  66. Marathon is a kind of completely outdoor sport, and as an audience, can you offer drinks to the athletes when necessary? 馬拉松是一種全程的露天公開比賽中,在觀看中你可不可以適時給運動員遞水?

  No.They can only get water at the specified stop. 不可以,運動員只能從已經設寘的站點取水。

  67. If you are going to enter a formal golf course, can you dress yourself with a T-shirt without collar and short pants? 進入正式的高尒伕毬場,適宜穿無領T 卹和短褲嗎?

  No.You should wear long pants. 不適宜,你應該穿長褲。

  68. After a celebration of a winning in a match, how should you dispose of the used national flag? 慶祝比賽勝利過後,對於使用過的國旂我們應該如何處理?

  You should keep it well, for it's the symbolization of the sovereignty of the country. 你應該好好保筦它,不要隨處亂扔,因為國旂是國傢主權的象征。

  69. Will the British bar staff be happy if you give them some tip? 如果你給英國酒保小費,他們會開心嗎?

  No. The correct behavior is to offer them a drink. Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian atmosphere. A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture. 不會。正確的做法是請酒保喝一盅。酒吧為自己的平等氣氛感到自豪。現金小費會使人想到酒保是伺候人的,而請喝一杯則是友好的表示。

  70,英譯中. Working in a company, how should you answer the phone call? 在公司工作,你應如何接聽電話?

  You are supposed to say the following first: “Hello, this is XX Company. Is there anything I can help you?” 你應該說:“你好!這裏是某某公司,請問有什麼可以幫得了你的嗎?”

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