
【媒體英語】Superman's Career Crisis 超人墮进職業


  媒體英語會帶大家一路學習 BBC 撰稿人正正在報講世界大年夜事時經常应用到的單詞跟短語。

  世界最著名的漫畫好漢之一,Superman超人,古朝里臨職業危機。這不是說他要退慼了,而是超人的凡人身份 Clark Kent 準備辭往報社記者的事件,以示他對一些現實問題的抗議。請聽 BBC 記者 John McManus 發回的報讲:

  Any comic book fan can tell you that when Superman came to Earth as a refugee from the Planet Krypton, saving lives and foiling the plots of evil madmen would be his main day job.

    But there was also the question of how to keep his alter ego, Clark Kent, occupied, and when the character first came out in print, his creators decided that he would be a newspaper journalist. Very handy, if you want to be the first to know about major catastrophes.

  But now the mild-mannered reporter is going solo. DC Comics, which publishes the Superman stories, says that Clark Kent will walk out of his job at the Daily Planet, protesting that hard news has given way to too many soft ',翻譯;entertainment' stories. It's a scenario that real reporters - and their readers and listeners - might recognise. What kind of stories do the public really want - showbiz gossip, or the latest discussions from the UN? DC Comics has hinted that Clark Kent might even go the way of many journalists and become a blogger, in an effort to get his own, non-super views across to a wider audience. But for fans who think that this is all getting a little bit too much like grim reality,翻譯, don't worry. In a nod to the changing media landscape of the 1970s, Clark temporarily ditched his notebook for a camera, becoming a cable TV presenter. But he never forgot his real calling - saving the planet.

  Quiz 聽力測驗

  Which planet did superman come from?

  What is Clark Kent's job?

  What kind of stories does Clark Kent usually do?

  What could Clark Kent do if he left his current job?

  Glossary 辭匯表


  · foiling挫敗

  · alter ego個性的别的一裏

  · catastrophes年夜災難

  · scenario情況,侷勢

  · grim reality嚴峻的現實

  · a nod點頭同意或認可

  · ditched放棄

