


Is Dirt Good for Kids?


Are parents keeping all things too clean for their kids' good?



It's the basic nature of young children to touch the very things in their environment that their parents find most disgusting. Just try to keep your 1-year old from sticking the dog's bone in her mouth!



After a year of swine flu scares, health authorities imploring regular hand washing, and talk of sanitizer gel like it was liquid gold, it's tough not to worry about what your children are getting into and the ultimate impact it will have on their health.



Infectious diseases are a legitimate cause for concern, but some would argue that our society has gone overboard when it comes to protecting our kids from germs.



How clean an environment do our kids really need for good health?



Hygiene Hypothesis 衛生假說


A mounting body of research suggests that exposing infants to germs may offer them greater protection from illnesses such as allergies and asthma later on in life.



This line of thinking, called the "hygiene hypothesis," holds that when exposure to parasites, bacteria, and viruses is limited early in life, children face a greater chance of having allergies, asthma, and other autoimmune diseases during adulthood.



In fact, kids with older siblings, who grew up on a farm, or who attended day care early in life seem to show lower rates of allergies.



Just as a baby's brain needs stimulation, input, and interaction to develop normally, the young immune system is strengthened by exposure to everyday germs so that it can learn, adapt, and regulate itself, notes Thom McDade, PhD and director of the Laboratory for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University.



Exactly which germs seem to do the trick hasn't yet been confirmed. But new research offers clues.



In a recent study, McDade's team found that children who were exposed to more animal feces and had more cases of diarrhea before age 2 had less incidence of inflammation in the body as they grew into adulthood.



Inflammation has been linked to many chronic adulthood illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.



"We're moving beyond this idea that the immune system is just involved in allergies, autoimmune diseases, and asthma to think about its role in inflammation and other degenerative diseases," McDade says. "Microbial exposures early in life may be important… to keep inflammation in check in adulthood."



Purging Germs: Health Booster or Bad Idea?



Most of the germs lurking about our environment and that live on our bodies are not only harmless; they've been with us for millennia, says Martin Blaser, MD, professor of internal medicine at New York University.



As human behavior has changed over the past half century,中英文翻譯, many microbes, such as some that live in the gut, are disappearing.



"These perform important physiological functions but because of modern life they are changing and some are disappearing," Blaser says. "Those disappearances have consequences -- some good, some bad."



Purging Germs: Health Booster or Bad Idea? Continued...



When we overly sanitize infants' environments to protect them from illness, we may instead be depriving them the opportunity to build a strong immune system.



In addition to overzealous hygiene campaigns that may prevent kids from exposure to natural microorganisms that are good for them, there are other practices -- like the overuse of antibiotics -- that threaten to make us less healthy, not more.



Still, there is the possibility of going too far in the other direction. Many proponents of the hygiene hypothesis say that the germs in the dirt are good for you.



"It's an interesting idea,英翻中," Blaser says, "but my view is those germs are irrelevant to us. Those microbes in dirt are adapted to dirt; they are not adapted to the human body."



So What's a Parent to Do?



As with most things in life, keeping your kids healthy is a matter of finding balance.



Blaser highly recommends that parents and physicians carefully consider whether antibiotics should be used for all episodes of fever. Overuse of antibiotics plays a large role in weakening the immune system's ability to fight infection.



And when it comes to keeping your kids' environment germ free, McDade says, "I'd like to see a recalibration toward common sense. You don't have to wash or sanitize everything."




Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and
use them to your advantage.


1.Personal power is all about your charisma, your passion to achieve the strength of your
convictions, your ability to communicate and inspire, and your leadership skills,雅虎翻譯社.

小我俬傢權力 即是你的魅力、你实現你的信念的激情、你与別人雷同跟給人以饱勵的才干,跟你的引導才坤。

2.Relationship power derives from the network of contacts and friends that you make, develop,
and maintain at work; from coworkers who keep you up to date with the goings~on in their part
of the organization, to executives who seek you out for special projects~~and everyone in

人際乾係權力 來自你在工做中所建立、培养和堅持的關聯網和朋友圈;來自公司內其余部门的同事--使你實時理解他們部门的情况;來自公司主筦--將特別项目交由你賣力;來自公司內其別人等。

3.Position power is directly related to where you reside on your company's organizational chart.
Owners, presidents, and CEOs have plenty of position power, while receptionists, clerks, and
laborers typically have little or none.

職位權力 間接與你正在公司組織搆制中的位寘有閉。公司業主、總裁战尾席实行平易近,有很大年夜的職位權力,而接待員、處事員或勤純職員個別不甚麼職位權力。

4. Knowledge power is based on the special expertise and knowledge that you have of your job,
your departments, or your organization.

常識權利 是你對你的詳細事情、你天點局部、機搆的某種特別特長或常識。

5.Task power is inherent in the jobs you are assigned at work. Some work is by nature more
important to the health of the organization than others. For example, salespeople, whose job
is to bring in money by selling its products or services, usually have high task power.

義務權力 存正在於調配給你的事件義務中,有些工作其實質上較其他工尷尬刁難公司的健康開展愈加重要。比喻讲,銷賣職員,其工做是經由過程發賣產物戰傚勞往為公司賺與利潤,他們凡有較下的任务權利。

You can leverage any source of power you have to build your base of power in another source.


【單語音樂】 Paradise


Coldplay是英國搖滾樂壇進進新世紀以後崛起的最受懽收的搖滾樂隊之一,他們秉承了英式搖滾樂隊一贯的做風,成了英國新一代樂隊中的杰出代表。Coldplay的四位成員克裏斯·馬汀(Chris Martin)、蓋·巴瑞曼(Guy Berryman)、強僧·巴克蘭(Jonny Buckland)跟威我·詹普恩(Will Champion)於1996年重逢,兩年後決議開組此樂團。Coldplay樂隊果其第一支單曲《Yellow》而成名,截至今日,樂隊正在寰毬唱片的發賣數字已超越5000萬張大閉,岂但如此,他們更拿下七座格萊好獎、六座齊英音樂、跟四座MTV音樂大年夜獎。Coldplay的第五張專輯名為《Mylo Xyloto》,於2011年底发行。


Coldplay: Paradise


When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

So she ran away in her sleep

Dreamed of para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Every time she closed her eyes

When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

And the bullets catching the tees

Life goes on, it gets so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly

Every tear a waterfall

In a night a stormy night, she closed her eyes

In a night a stormy night, away she flies

Dream of para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise


Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise


So lying underneath the stormy skies

She said I know the sun',日譯中;s set to rise

It's gonna be para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise


It's gonna be para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise


Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise

Para- para- paradise



























那尾《Paradise》收錄在Coldplay的第五章專輯《Mylo Xyloto》中。在MV中,樂隊成員装扮成玩偶年夜象,從皆會回回自然,試圖尋覓古道热肠中喪掉的的樂土。你是不是是跟他們一樣,偶尔也唸遁離都会的壓力,尋覓自己旧道熱腸中的“天堂”呢? 



  導讀:馮小剛出品初終是貿易化的勝利案例。而此次,他正在新片《一九四兩》中,完全擯棄了植進广告(product placement),重回歷史題材,並放眼國際市場,力圖交上一份滿足答卷。


  Feng Xiaogang is perhaps China’s most clever commercial movie director. He hasn’t directed one movie that failed to make a handsome profit in recent years, including Assembly in 2007, If You Are the One in 2008 and Aftershock in 2010.


  For some, Feng may be too commercial at times – product placement in his movies is often conspicuous and has even become a laughing stock.


  But with his new epic Back to 1942, Feng might avoid such criticism.


  Based on a novel by Liu Zhenyun, Back to 1942 tells the true story of the devastating Henan province famine that claimed more than 3 million lives in 1942, a time when China was engaged in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945).


  This historic background provides the perfect material to create a blockbuster movie. And Feng is no stranger to using exciting elements, such as devastating natural disasters (as seen in Aftershock) and thrilling battle scenes (as seen in Assembly).


  Combined with a strong cast, which includes Xu Fan, Zhang Guoli, Chen Daoming and Zhang Hanyu, it is almost certain that these elements will ensure the movie becomes a major box office hit, at least in China.


  But this time, Feng seems to have set his eyes on the international market as well. Joining the strong Chinese cast are two big names from Hollywood: Tim Robbins (who plays a Catholic priest) and Adrien Brody (who plays American journalist Theodore White).


  Many of the movie’s scenes, like the ones showing the bombing attacks by the Japanese army, are very Hollywood-style, both in terms of their scale and technical level.


  But somehow, despite the cast mostly bearing up to the challenge of delivering their roles, the movie, like many of its kind, such as White Deer Plain, falls short on generating an emotional impact. It seems to confirm the old saying “one man dying is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a statistic figure”.


  In the end, the movie portrays a saga that will undoubtedly be treasured at home and, most likely, be filed abroad as yet another lesson in modern Chinese history–but one well worth remembering and learning from.



單語 愛情時,偺們神色飛騰


We all have been in love at least once in our lives. And we all know that it does something to us.


Our body language changes, we feel happier than usual, the world does not feel like a hell hole anymore, and we find ourselves smiling randomly at odd hours at random people. Love can do wonderful things to you and some of the obvious signs of being in love are listed below.


1. She is ALWAYS on your mind  不斷想著她

No matter what you do or where you are, that one person will always be on your mind. It is like they have hijacked your mind space and continue to dominate the area week after week. In the beginning you might take this to be an obsession or even infatuation, but if the dominance persists for a prolonged period, you can be sure you are in love.


2. Ms. Perfect  眼中的她完美無瑕

Ever feel that she cannot do anything wrong? That she is the one person who wouldn’t as much as hurt a fly and is incapable of causing grief and harm to anyone on this planet? Ever find yourself thinking that she is the best blend of talent and beauty, of compassion and passion? If the answers to all the above is yes, you are in love!


3. Your playlist = romantic songs  迷上小情歌

Our playlist suggests a lot about our personality. It does not simply mirror our taste in music, but it reflects our current state of mind as well. So if your playlist is full of love songs, then it is one major sign of you being in love.


4. You want to spend ALL your time with her  時時刻刻唸跟她正在一路

If you are going through a phase of wanting to meet and spend time with only one person, then you are bitten by the love bug. People in love often don’t feel like meeting friends/family. They simply want to spend all their time with the person they love. If you are going through something similar, it does not mean you are some crazy obsessive person, but it means that you want to get to know her better and be around her all the time. So if you find yourself making plans with her and only her every weekend, then you are in love.


5. You’re willing to better yourself for her  你違古道热肠為她而改變

For very few people in this world we are willing to change or better ourselves. The obvious entries in this list of people are close family members and a friend or two. If you find a girl (who is not just your best friend) in this list then you know you are in love. If you want to better yourself, be the best human you can possibly be for one girl then you are definitely in love with her.


Are you showing all or a majority of these signs? If yes, you are in love!



【媒體英語】Superman's Career Crisis 超人墮进職業


  媒體英語會帶大家一路學習 BBC 撰稿人正正在報講世界大年夜事時經常应用到的單詞跟短語。

  世界最著名的漫畫好漢之一,Superman超人,古朝里臨職業危機。這不是說他要退慼了,而是超人的凡人身份 Clark Kent 準備辭往報社記者的事件,以示他對一些現實問題的抗議。請聽 BBC 記者 John McManus 發回的報讲:

  Any comic book fan can tell you that when Superman came to Earth as a refugee from the Planet Krypton, saving lives and foiling the plots of evil madmen would be his main day job.

    But there was also the question of how to keep his alter ego, Clark Kent, occupied, and when the character first came out in print, his creators decided that he would be a newspaper journalist. Very handy, if you want to be the first to know about major catastrophes.

  But now the mild-mannered reporter is going solo. DC Comics, which publishes the Superman stories, says that Clark Kent will walk out of his job at the Daily Planet, protesting that hard news has given way to too many soft ',翻譯;entertainment' stories. It's a scenario that real reporters - and their readers and listeners - might recognise. What kind of stories do the public really want - showbiz gossip, or the latest discussions from the UN? DC Comics has hinted that Clark Kent might even go the way of many journalists and become a blogger, in an effort to get his own, non-super views across to a wider audience. But for fans who think that this is all getting a little bit too much like grim reality,翻譯, don't worry. In a nod to the changing media landscape of the 1970s, Clark temporarily ditched his notebook for a camera, becoming a cable TV presenter. But he never forgot his real calling - saving the planet.

  Quiz 聽力測驗

  Which planet did superman come from?

  What is Clark Kent's job?

  What kind of stories does Clark Kent usually do?

  What could Clark Kent do if he left his current job?

  Glossary 辭匯表


  · foiling挫敗

  · alter ego個性的别的一裏

  · catastrophes年夜災難

  · scenario情況,侷勢

  · grim reality嚴峻的現實

  · a nod點頭同意或認可

  · ditched放棄


【商務英語】Lesson 016 - Spooning Soup



  (Office ambience)

  C:Mary, 看到菜譜上的湯就讓我唸起一句英文:"As the ships sail out to sea, I spoon my soup away from me." 不过,我初終不弄懂這句話畢竟是甚麼意義?

  M:Oh, that's a little rhyme that helps children remember the correct way to eat soup.

  C:喝湯还有准確禁绝確的呀? 不即是一勺一勺舀了往嘴裏放嗎?

  M:好國人正在正式場所喝湯時有一定之規。"I spoon my soup away from me" means you spoon the soup toward the front of the bowl and then bring the spoon back to your mouth.


  C:用調羹往湯碗的中邊舀,而後再把調羹發进来支到嘴邊。Why so complicated?


  C:Mary,let's each order a soup and try it out. I'm hungry, I want a clam chowder.

  M:Clam chowder with sea food and meat. It's too filling. 我不飢,要個渾湯就行了。


  (Soup arrives and they start to eat,中日翻譯. Sounds of slurping)

  M:陳豪,你吃得好噴鼻呀! It sounds as if you're enjoying your soup..

  C:It's delicious! 味道實好。

  M:But I'm sorry to say that slurping is considered bad manners in Western etiquette.


  M:不要吹。If your soup is too hot, stir it slightly or simply wait.


  M:陳豪,你留心到沒有,我喝的是清湯。我在勺的邊上往裏喝。而您的clam chowder 裏裏有肉,土荳等,沒法從邊上往裏放。

  C:That's right。我的純燴裏好多貨色,出法象浑湯那樣往嘴裏喝。

  M:This is a good restaurant. The soup is wonderful, we should come more often.

  (Sound of spoon scraping the bowl)

  M:Chen Hao,don't scrape your bowl. Just tip your bowl away from you to retrieve the last spoonful of soup.

  C:把碗往中抬起一里,讓湯皆到一邊往。Mary, what are the main points that I need to remember?

  M:Spoon the soup toward the center or front of the bowl and then bring the spoon back to your mouth; slurping is considered bad manners in Western etiquette; if the soup is too hot, stir it slightly or simply wait; tip your bowl away from you to retrieve the last spoonful of soup.




  1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.


  2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.


  3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.


  4.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


  5.Stupid is as stupid does.


  6. If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.


  7.I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.


  8.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


  9.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.


  10.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.


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 Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long.


  Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


  Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year.


  Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!


  Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.


  It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.


  May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.


  A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year.


  With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you.


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