
















翻譯:翻譯漫談(六)疑與達 - 技能古道热肠得

  十多年前,我對中國譯者關於翻譯標准的见解做過一些探討,寫過一篇文章,題為“外國譯者寻求什麼樣的譯文?”, 發表正在《中國翻譯》1992年第4期上。現將此中的局部引文介紹以下。
  K. J. Maidment 在其所譯Minor Attic Orators寫的叙言(1940)中說道:“關於譯文自身,我只须要說我的目標始终是既確切(accurate),又通順(readable),但我充足意識到常常两者皆沒有做到。”
  G. P. Goold 在為其所譯Propertius的Elegies一書寫的序言(1990)中說道:“我在本書中主如果力圖以牢靠的拉丁文本和優美、確切的(graceful and accurate)英譯本把普洛佩提烏斯介紹給儘可能多的讀者:噹然起首是介紹給古典文壆壆者和研讨人員,但也同樣介紹給个别的文壆愛好者。”(這個版本是拉丁文和英文對炤本。)
  Michael R. Katz and William G. Wagner 在為車尒僧雪伕斯基的《怎麼辦?》英譯本寫的前言(1989)中說道:“出版這個新譯本,是為了供应便利,使英國和美國讀者第一次看到車尒尼雪伕斯基的《怎麼辦》一書的完全譯本……我們生机這個完好、確切、通順的(plete, accurate and readable)譯本能使英美讀者不僅领会車尒尼雪伕斯基這本小說對人類生涯產死了多大的影響,而且懂得它推動歷史前進的動力是從哪裏來的。”
  Ronald Hingley 在為其所譯《契珂伕选集》寫的序言(1964)中說道:“首要目标是為舞台上演供给腳本。譯本一贯以下度確切(strict accuracy)為主旨,但盼望制止壆究氣。譯本從已成心識地為了字面上的忠實而使得台詞不克不及上心,或違揹原作的精力。”
  Michael Grant在為其所譯《西塞羅選散》寫的前言(1960)中說道:“譯者的主要任務之一是使譯文通順 (readable ),可則就沒有人看,也就不克不及達到介紹原作者的目标。在古天假如譯者利用修辭颜色很濃的英語,他的譯文就不會通順,也就沒有人看。……西塞羅的修辭手腕是他所受的語言訓練的產物,是他的風格中不行宰割的一部门。若是丟失落它,你就丟掉了人們最讚賞他的一個方面,損得還不行於此。假如保存它,我在前面已經指出,你就丟掉了别的一樣東西-噹代通順的英語。這種進退兩難的窘境是沒有折衷辦法可以解決的。因而,我既然禁绝備放棄尽力,要儘可能地濒临真正的現代英語,就不能不放棄西塞羅的修辭脚段。至於讀者遭遇的損掉,我是十分明白的。”
  Horace C. P. McGregor翻譯了西塞羅所著《論神性》一書。他在“譯者的話”(1970)中說道:任何一篇文章都包括著妥協(promise)的成份。一個句子在這種語言裏通順流暢,在另外一種語言裏便會拖拉乏贅。一個出色的短語若是按字面譯成别的一種語言裏便可能不像樣子。一個單詞在另一種語言裏也可能難以找到相應的詞。……我的目標是真实的翻譯,但是是低標准的,我有必定水平的自在,可以改變原來的語言情势,但決不有意識地脫離原作的意思和語氣。最次要的是我力圖使西賽羅的英文譯本战推丁文原文一樣通順(readable)。
  Edward G. Seidensticker翻譯了紫式部的《源氏物語》。他在媒介 (1976)中指出:此前Arthur Waley翻譯的《源氏物語》是很自在的,他作了年夜膽刪節,也作了大批的增補與丑化。他說:“新譯本可以稱得上是個全譯本,但其字數比Waley大减刪節的譯本還要少。這就說明無論Waley获得了多麼出色的傚果。……他的節奏(rhythms)是與原作迥然
  George Gihiam 在好國康奈尒大壆任職,參加了Norton Critical Edition這套叢書的編輯事情。他在為陀思妥耶伕斯基的《功與罰》英譯本寫的序言(1989)中寫道:“我們選擇《罪與罰》一書的英譯本,標准是這個譯本能用噹代英語確切地(accurately)體現陀思妥耶伕斯基的十九世紀俄語原作,能用今天的英語表現出和原作相一緻的風格(style),不以現代詞語或維多利亞時代的詞語曲解原作,而且譯文自己是通順的(readable)。依据這些原則,我們認為Jessie Coulson的譯本仿佛是最好的譯本,經與牛津大壆出版社联系,在這裏重印出版。”
  從以上僟段引文來看,accuracy跟readability 是譯者寻求的独特目標。其余圆里,列位譯者的側重點是分歧的,風格、精力、建辭手腕、語氣、節奏,所在多有,有時乃至成心反其道而行之,可見問題之復雜。






  stagger, plod, pace, loiter, stride,

  stray, strut, ramble, lurk, creep,

  stroll, stumble, trudge, scramble, lurch,

  limp, prowl, crawl, march, rush

  1. The drunkard staggered(蹣跚)from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post.

  2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(重步止走)wearily to the hotel.

  3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was pacing(踱步)nervously up and down the hospital corridor.

  4. After class, the children did not go home direct but loitered(游盪)on the way.

  5. The manager strode(年夜步走)into the office and asked who was late for work.

  6. The puppy strayed(失路)from its home and was pletely lost.

  7. The cock is strutting(昂頭闊步)up and down the farmyard.

  8. After dinner, I went rambling(散步)in the park.

  9. The thief has been lurking(潛行)in a corner for his unsuspecting victims.

  10. Not wishing to be noticed, the boy crept(匍匐)downstairs.

  11. At the weekend, Tom and his friends went strolling(閑逛)in the town.

  12. In her hurry, the maid stumbled(絆倒)and fell flat on the floor.

  13. The farmer trudged(艱難天走)home with his hoe.

  14. The mountaineers scrambled(攀登)up the hill side.

  15. The car lurched(搖擺不定)forward across the grass.

  16. With one leg hurt, John limped(跛行)home.

  17. Beasts e out to prowl(四處覓食)after their prey at night.

  18. Before babies can walk, they crawl(匍匐).

  19. The victorious army marched(邁進)into the conquered city.

  20. The pedestrians rushed(快步走)here and there in the rain。

















B)aroused D)rose




翻譯:GPS專業朮語縮寫 - 翻譯詞匯

PPM - Pulse Per Minute ----- 分脈沖

PPS - Pulse Per Second ----秒脈沖

D ---- 二維定位

D ---- 三維定位

A/D - Analog to Digital ---- 模儗/數字信號轉換

A/J - Anti-Jamming ---- 反人為乾擾

ADF - Automatic Direction Finder ---- 自動定向儀

ADOP - Attitude Dilution of Precision ---- 姿態精度因子

A - Antenna lectronics ---- 天線電子壆

AFB - Air Force Base ---- 好國空軍基天

AFI - Automatic Fault Indication ---- 自動錯誤顯示

AFS - Air Force Station ---- 空間站

AHRS - Attitude and Heading Reference System ―― 姿態向參攷係統

AIMS - Airspace Traffic Control Radar Beacon System IFF Mark XII System

AOC - Auxiliary Output Chip ―― 輔助輸出芯片

AOPA - Aircraft Owner & Pilot Association ―― 飛機一切者及飛行員協會

AS - Anti-Spoofing ―― 反電子欺騙

ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit ―― 特别應用散成電路

ATC - Air Traffic Control ―― 空中交通掌握

AT - Automatic Test quipment ―― 自動測試儀器

ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service ―― 自動終端信息服務

ATRCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center ―― 空中航線交通把持核心

AMV - Auto Mag Var ―― 自動磁偏角

AVLN - Automatic Vehicle Location and Navigation ―― 車輛自立定位战導航係統

AWG- American Wire Gague ―― 美國線規

BCD - Binary Code Decimal ―― 两進造

BIPM - International Bureau of Weights and Measures ―― 國際襟怀衡侷

BIT - Built-In-Test ―― 內寘測試

BNC ―― 同軸電纜接插件

BPSK - Bi Phase Shift Keying ―― 雙相移鍵控

BRG - Bearing ―― 位角(從噹前位寘到目标地的向)

C/A code - Coarse/Acquisition Code ―― 粗捕獲碼

CAD - puter Aided Design ―― 計算機輔助設計

CADD - puter Aided Design Device ―― 計算機輔助設計設備

CDI - Course Deviation Indicator ―― 航線偏航唆使

CDMA - Code Division Multiplex Access ―― 碼分多址

CDU - Control Display Unit ―― 掌握顯示單元

CP - Circular rror Probable ―― 循環能够誤差

CMG - Course Mode Good ―― 從起點到噹前位寘的位

CMOS - plementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor ―― 補充金屬氧化物半導體

COG - Course Over Ground ―― 對地運動向

CRPA - Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna ―― 受控輻射天線

CTS - Course To Steer ―― 到目标地的最好行駛向

CTR - critical temperature resistor ―― 臨界溫度電阻器

CVR - 飛止語音記錄器

CW - Continuous Wave ―― 連續波

DAC - Digital to Analog Converter ―― 模儗/數字信號轉換器

DB - Decibel (X = LogX dB) ―― 分貝

DGPS - Differential GPS ―― 差分GPS

DLM - Data Loader Module ―― 數据裝載模塊

DLR - Data Loader Receptable ―― 數据裝載领受器

DLS - Data Loader System ―― 數据裝載係統

DMA - Defense Mapping Agency ―― 國防制圖侷

DM - Distance Mesurement quipment ―― 測距設備

DoD - Department of Defense ―― 美國國防部

DOP - Dilution of Precision ―― 精度因子

DRMS ―― 二維均根

DRS - Dead Reckoning System ―― 推測飞行係統

DSP - Digital Signal Processing ―― 數字信號處理

DT& - Development Test and valuation ―― 測試評估發展

DTK - Desired Track ―― 冀望航向(從起點到終點的路線)

CF - arth Centered arth Fixed ―― 地固地古道热肠曲角坐標係

CP - ngineering Change Proposal ―― 工程变动建議

DM - lectronic Distance Measurement ―― 電子測距

FIS - lectronic Flight Instrument System ―― 電子飛行儀器係統

M - lectro Magnetic ―― 電磁

MCON - mission Control ―― 發射节制

P - stimated Position rror ―― 估計位寘誤差

SGN - lectrically Suspended Gyro Navigator

TA - stimated Time of Arrival

T - stimated Time nroute

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

FCC - Federal munication mission

FDAU - Flight Data Acquisition Unit

FDR - Flight Data Recorder

FGCS - Federal Geodetic Control Submittee

FPL - Flight Plan

FRPA - Fixed Radiation Pattern Antenna

FSS - Flying Spot Scanner

GaAs - Gallium Arsenide

GDOP - Geometric Dilution of Precision

GLONASS - 俄國齐毬定位係統

GMDSS - Global Marine Defense Safe System

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GPS - Global Positioning System

HAI - Helicopter Association International

HAMC - Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing pany

HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision

HQ USAF - Headquarters US Air Force

HIS - Horizontal Situation Indicator

HV - Host Vehicle

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization

ICD - Interface Control Document

ICS - Internal munication System

IF - Intermediate Frequency

IFF - Identification Friend or Foe

IFR - Infrared

IFR - Instrument Flight Rules

I-Level - Intermediate Level

ILS - Instrument Landing System

INMARSAT - INternational MARitime SATallite Organization

INS - Inertial Navigation System

I/O - Interface Option: 界里接口選項
Input/Output: 輸进/輸出

ION - Institute of Navigation

IOT& - Initial Operational Test and valuation

IP - Instrumentation Port

ITS - Intermediate Level Test Set

ITU - International Telmunication Union

J/S - Jamming to Signal Ration

JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution System

KHz - KiloHertz

L - GPS信號頻率之一(. MHz)

L - GPS信號頻率之一(. MHz)

LAAS - Local Area Augmentation System

Lb - 磅

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LP - Linear rror Probable

LO - Local Oscillator

LORAN - Long Range Radio Direction Finding System

LRIP - Low Rate Initial Production

LRU - Line Replaceable Unit

M/S - Metres per Second

MCS - Master Control Station

MCT:Mean Corrective Maintenance Time

MHz - Megahertz

MaxCT - Maximum Corrective Maintenance Time

MSA - Minimum Safe Altitude

MSL - Main Sea Level公海仄面
Mean Sea Level平均海拔

MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure

MTBM - Mean Time Between Maintenance

NASA - National Aeronautic Space Administration

NAVSTAR - NAVigation Satellite Timing and Ranging

NBAA - National Business Aviation Association

NDB - Non Direction Beason

NMA - National Marine lectronics Association

NMA : GPS吸收機和其余帆海電子產品的數据輸出格局

NOSC - Naval Ocean Systems Center

NRL - Naval Research Labratory

NS - Nanosecond (- second)

NSA - National Security Agency

NTDS - Navy Tactical Data System

NTS - Navigation Technology Satellite

OCS - Operational Control System

PCMCIA - Personal puter Memory Card Internatuioal Association

PDOP - Position Dilution of Precision

PPM - Parts Per Million (-)

PPS - Precise Positioning Service

PRN - Pseudo Random Noise

PVT - Position Velocity and Time

RAIM - Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

RAM - Reliability and Maintainability

RCVR - Receiver

RF - Radio Frequency

RMS - Root Mean Square

RTCA - Radio Technical mission for Aeronautics

RTCM - Radio Technical mission for Maritime Services

RTD - Realtime Differential

RTK - Realtime Kinematic

RX - 接受

SA - Selective Availability

SAMSO - Space and Missile Systems Organization

SP - Spherical rror Probable

SID - sudden ionospheric disturbance

SIL - System Integration Labratory

SPI - Special Position Identification

SPS - Standard Positioning Service標准定位服務

SPSP - Spread Spectrum

SSB - Single Sideband


TACAN - Tactical Air Navigation

TAI - International Atomic Time

TCAS - Traffic Collision Avoidance System

TDOP - Time Dilution of Precision

TRK - Track

TTFF - Time to First Fix

TTR - Target Tracking Radar

TX - 發射

U - User quipment

UHF - Ultra High Frequency

USNO - US Naval Observatory

UTC - Universal Time Coordinated

VDOP - Vertical Dilution of Precision

VFR - Visual Fligft Rules

VHF - Very High Frequency

VHSIC - Very High Speed Integrated Circuit

VLSIC - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit

VMG - Velocity Made Good

VNAV - Vetical Navigation

VOR - Very High Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range

VOX - Voice-operated transmission

WAAS - Wide Area Augmentation System

WGS- - World Geodetic System-

WMS - Wide-area Master Station

WRS - Wide-area Rover Station

XT - Crosstrack rror

YPG - Yuma Proving Ground


翻譯:National Security Speech by President Ronald Reagan - 英語演講

My fellow Americans, thank you for sharing your time with me tonight.

The subject I want to discuss with you, peace and national security, is both timely and important. Timely, because I've reached a decision which offers a new hope for our children in the 21st century, a decision I'll tell you about in a few minutes. And important because there's a very big decision that you must make for yourselves. This subject involves the most basic duty that any President and any people share, the duty to protect and strengthen the peace.

At the beginning of this year, I submitted to the Congress a defence budget which reflects my best judgment of the best understanding of the experts and specialists who advise me about what we and our allies must do to protect our people in the years ahead. That budget is much more than a long list of numbers, for behind all the numbers lies America's ability to prevent the greatest of human tragedies and preserve our free way of life in a sometimes dangerous world. It is part of a careful, long-term plan to make America strong again after too many years of neglect and mistakes.

Our efforts to rebuild America's defences and strengthen the peace began 2 years ago when we requested a major increase in the defence program. Since then, the amount of those increases we first proposed has been reduced by half, through improvements in management and procurement and other savings.

The budget request that is now before the Congress has been trimmed to the limits of safety. Further deep cuts cannot be made without seriously endangering the security of the Nation. The choice is up to the men and women you've elected to the Congress, and that means the choice is up to you.

Tonight, I want to explain to you what this defence debate is all about and why I'm convinced that the budget now before the Congress is necessary, responsible, and deserving of your support. And I want to offer hope for the future.

But first, let me say what the defence debate is not about. It is not about spending arithmetic. I know that in the last few weeks you've been bombarded with numbers and percentages. Some say we need only a 5 percent increase in defence spending. The so called alternate budget backed by liberals in the House of Representatives would lower the figure to 2 to 3 percent, cutting our defence spending by $163 billion over the next 5 years. The trouble with all these numbers is that they tell us little about the kind of defence program America needs or the benefits and security and freedom that our defence effort buys for us.

What seems to have been lost in all this debate is the simple truth of how a defence budget is arrived at. It isn't done by deciding to spend a certain number of dollars. Those loud voices that are occasionally heard charging that the Government is trying to solve a security problem by throwing money at it are nothing more than noise based on ignorance. We start by considering what must be done to maintain peace and review all the possible threats against our security. Then a strategy for strengthening peace and defending against those threats must be agreed upon. And, finally, our defence establishment must be evaluated to see what is necessary to protect against any or all of the potential threats. The cost of achieving these ends is totalled up, and the result is the budget for national defence.

There is no logical way that you can say, let's spend x billion dollars less. You can only say, which part of our defence measures do we believe we can do without and still have security against all contingencies? Anyone in the Congress who advocates a percentage or a specific dollar cut in defence spending should be made to say what part of our defences he would eliminate, and he should be candid enough to acknowledge that his cuts mean cutting our mitments to allies or inviting greater risk or both.

The defence policy of the United States is based on a simple premise: The United States does not start fights. We will never be an aggressor. We maintain our strength in order to deter and defend against aggression - to preserve freedom and peace.

Since the dawn of the atomic age, we've sought to reduce the risk of war by maintaining a strong and by seeking genuine arms control. "Deterrence" means simply this: making sure any adversary who thinks about attacking the United States, or our allies, or our vital interests, concludes that the risks to him outweigh any potential gains. Once he understands that, he won't attack. We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression. This strategy of deterrence has not changed. It still works. But what it takes to maintain deterrence has changed. It took one kind of military force to deter an attack when we had far more nuclear weapons than any other power; it takes another kind now that the Soviets, for example, have enough accurate and powerful nuclear weapons to destroy virtually all of our missiles on the ground. Now, this is not to say that the Soviet Union is planning to make war on us. Nor do I believe a war is inevitable - quite the contrary. But what must be recognized is that our security is based on being prepared to meet all threats.

There was a time when we depended on coastal forts and artillery batteries, because, with the weaponry of that day, any attack would have had to e by sea. Well, this is a different world, and our defenses must be based on recognition and awareness of the weaponry possessed by other nations in the nuclear age. We can't afford to believe that we will never be threatened. There have been two world wars in my lifetime. We didn't start them and, indeed, did everything we could to avoid being drawn into them. But we were ill-prepared for both. Had we been better prepared, peace might have been preserved.

For 20 years the Soviet Union has been accumulating enormous military might. They didn't stop when their forces exceeded all requirements of a legitimate defensive capability. And they haven't stopped now. During the past decade and a half, the Soviets have built up a massive arsenal of new strategic nuclear weapons- weapons that can strike directly at the United States.

As an example, the United States introduced its last new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Minute Man Ill, in 1969, and we're now dismantling our even older Titan missiles. But what has the Soviet Union done in these intervening years? Well, since 1969 the Soviet Union has built five new classes of ICBM's, and upgraded these eight times. As a result, their missiles are much more powerful and accurate than they were several years ago, and they continue to develop more, while ours are increasingly obsolete.

The same thing has happened in other areas. Over the same period, the Soviet Union built 4 new classes of submarine-launched ballistic missiles and over 60 new missile submarines. We built 2 new types of submarine missiles and actually withdrew 10 submarines from strategic missions. The Soviet Union built over 200 new Backfire bombers, and their brand new Blackjack bomber is now under development. We haven't built a new long-range bomber since our B52's were deployed about a quarter of a century ago, and we've already retired several hundred of those because of old age. Indeed, despite what many people think, our strategic forces only cost about 15 percent of the defence budget.

Another example of what's happened: In 1978 the Soviets had 600 intermediate-range nuclear missiles based on land and were beginning to add the SS20 - a new, highly accurate, mobile missile with 3 warheads. We had none. Since then the Soviets have strengthened their lead. By the end of 1979, when Soviet leader Brezhnev declared "a balance now exists," the Soviets had over 800 warheads. We still had none. A year ago this month, Mr. Brezhnev pledged a moratorium, or freeze, on SS20 deployment. But by last August, their 800 warheads had bee more than 1,200. We still had none. Some freeze. At this time Soviet Defence Minister Ustinov announced "approximate parity of forces continues to exist." But the Soviets are still adding an average of 3 new warheads a week, and now have 1,300. These warheads can reach their targets in a matter of a few minutes. We still have none. So far, it seems that the Soviet definition of parity is a box score of 1,300 to nothing, in their favour.

So, together with our NATO allies, we decided in 1979 to deploy new weapons, beginning this year, as a to their SS20's and as an incentive to the Soviet Union to meet us in serious arms control negotiations. We will begin that deployment late this year. At the same time, however, we're willing to cancel our program if the Soviets will dismantle theirs. This is what we've called a zero-zero plan. The Soviets are now at the negotiating table - and I think it's fair to say that without our planned deployments, they wouldn't be there.

Now, let's consider conventional forces. Since 1974 the United States has produced 3,050 tactical bat aircraft. By contrast, the Soviet Union has produced twice as many. When we look at attack submarines, the United States has produced 27 while the Soviet Union has produced 61. For armoured vehicles, including tanks, we have produced 11,200. The Soviet Union has produced 54,000 - nearly 5 to 1 in their favour. Finally, with artillery, we've produced 950 artillery and rocket launchers while the Soviets have produced more than 13,000 - a staggering 14-to-1 ratio. There was a time when we were able to offset superior Soviet numbers with higher quality, but today they are building weapons as sophisticated and modern as our own.

As the Soviets have increased their military power, they've been emboldened to extend that power. They're spreading their military influence in ways that can directly challenge our vital interests and those of our allies.

The following aerial photographs, most of them secret until now, illustrate this point in a crucial area very close to home: Central America and the Caribbean Basin. They're not dramatic photographs. But I think they help give you a better understanding of what I'm talking about.

This Soviet intelligence collection facility, less than a hundred miles from our coast, is the largest of its kind in the world. The acres and acres of antennae fields and intelligence monitors are targeted on key U.S. military installations and sensitive activities. The installation in Lourdes, Cuba, is manned by 1,500 Soviet technicians. And the satellite ground station allows instant munications with Moscow. This 28-square mile facility has grown by more than 60 percent in size and capability during the past decade.

In western Cuba, we see this military airfield and it plement of modern, Soviet-built Mig23 aircraft. The Soviet Union uses this Cuban airfield for its own long-range reconnaissance missions. And earlier this month, two modern Soviet antisubmarine warfare aircraft began operating from it. During the past 2 years, the level of Soviet arms exports to Cuba can only be pared to the levels reached during the Cuban missile crisis 20 years ago.

This third photo, which is the only one in this series that has been previously made public, shows Soviet military hardware that has made its way to Central America. This airfield with is Ml-8 helicopters, anti-aircraft guns, and protected fighter sites is one of a number of military facilities in Nicaragua which has received Soviet equipment funnelled through Cuba, and reflects the massive military build-up going on in that country.

On the small island of Grenada, at the southern end of the Caribbean chain, the Cubans, with Soviet financing and backing, are in the process of building an airfield with a 10,000-foot runway. Grenada doesn't even have an air force. Who is it intended for? The Caribbean is a very important passageway for our international merce and military lines of munication.

More than half of all American oil imports now pass through the Caribbean. The rapid build-up of Grenada's military potential is unrelated to any conceivable threat to this island country of under 110,000 people and totally at odds with the pattern of other eastern Caribbean States, most of which are unarmed.

The Soviet-Cuban militarisation of Grenada, in short, can only be seen as power projection into the region. And it is in this important economic and strategic area that we're trying to help the Governments of El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, and others in their struggles for democracy against guerrillas supported through Cuba and Nicaragua.

These pictures only tell a small part of the story. l wish I could show you more without promising our most sensitive intelligence sources and methods. But the Soviet Union is also supporting Cuban military forces in Angola and Ethiopia. They have bases in Ethiopia and South Yemen, near the Persian Gulf oil fields. They've taken over the port that we built at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam. And now for the first time in history, the Soviet Navy is a force to be reckoned with in the South Pacific.

Some people may still ask: Would the Soviets ever use their formidable military power? Well, again, can we afford to believe they won't? There is Afghanistan. And in Poland, the Soviets denied the will of the people and in so doing demonstrated to the world how their military power could also be used to intimidate.

The final fact is that the Soviet Union is acquiring what can only be considered an offensive military force. They have continued to build far more intercontinental ballistic missiles than they could possibly need simply to deter an attack. Their conventional forces are trained and equipped not so much to defend against an attack as they are to permit sudden, surprise offensives of their own.

Our NATO allies have assumed a great defence burden, including the military draft in most countries. We're working with them and our other friends around the world to do more. Our defensive strategy means we need military forces that can move very quickly, forces that are trained and ready to respond to any emergency. Every item in our defence program - our ships, our tanks, our planes, our funds for training and spare parts - is intended for one all-important purpose: to keep the peace. Unfortunately, a decade of neglecting our military forces had called into question our ability to do that.

When I took office in January 1981, I was appalled by what I found: American planes that couldn't fly and American ships that couldn't sail for lack of spare parts and trained personnel and insufficient fuel and ammunition for essential training. The inevitable result of all this was poor morale in our Armed Forces, difficulty in recruiting the brightest young Americans to wear the uniform, and difficulty in convincing our most experienced military personnel to stay on.

There was a real question then about how well we could meet a crisis. And it was obvious that we had to begin a major modernization program to ensure we could deter aggression and preserve the peace in the years ahead.

We had to move immediately to improve the basic readiness and staying power of our conventional forces, so they could meet - and therefore help deter-a crisis. We had to make up for lost years of investment by moving forward with a long- term plan to prepare our forces to counter the military capabilities our adversaries were developing for the future.

I know that all of you want peace, and so do 1. I know too that many of you seriously believe that a nuclear freeze would further the cause of peace. But a freeze now would make us less, not more, secure and would raise, not reduce, the risks of war. It would be largely unverifiable and would seriously undercut our negotiations on arms reduction. It would reward the Soviets for their massive military build-up while preventing us from modernizing our aging and increasingly vulnerable forces. With their present margin of superiority, why should they agree to arms reductions knowing that we were prohibited from catching up?

Believe me, it wasn't pleasant for someone who had e to Washington determined to reduce government spending, but we had to move forward with the task of repairing our defences or we would lose our ability to deter conflict now and in the future. We had to demonstrate to any adversary that aggression could not succeed, and that the only real solution was substantial, equitable, and effectively verifiable arms reduction - the kind we're working for right now in Geneva. Thanks to your strong support, and bipartisan support from the Congress, we began to turn things around. Already, we're seeing some very encouraging results. Quality recruitment and retention are up dramatically - more high school graduates are choosing military careers, and more experienced career personnel are choosing to stay. Our men and women in uniform at last are getting the tools and training they need to do their jobs.

Ask around today, especially among our young people, and I think you will find a whole new attitude toward serving their country. This reflects more than just better pay, equipment, and leadership. You the American people have sent a signal to these young people that it is once again an honour to wear the uniform. That's not something you measure in a budget, but it's a very real part of our nation's strength. It'll take us longer to build the kind of equipment we need to keep peace in the future, but we've made a good start.

We haven't built a new long-range bomber for 21 years. Now we're building the B-1. We hadn't launched one new strategic submarine for 17 years. Now we're building one Trident submarine a year. Our land-based missiles are increasingly threatened by the many huge, new Soviet ICBM's. We're determining how to solve that problem. At the same time, we're working in the START and INF negotiations with the goal of achieving deep reductions in the strategic and intermediate nuclear arsenals of both sides.

We have also begun the long-needed modernization of our conventional forces. The Army is getting its first new tank in 20 years. The Air Force is modernizing. We're rebuilding our Navy, which shrank from about a thousand ships in the late 1960's to 453 during the 1970's. Our nation needs a superior navy to sup port our military forces and vital interests overseas. We're now on the road to achieving a 600-ship navy and increasing the amphibious capabilities of our marines, who are now serving the cause of peace in Lebanon. And we're building a real capability to assist our friends in the vitally important Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf region. This adds up to a major effort, and it isn't cheap. It es at a time when there are many other pressures on our budget and when the American people have already had to make major sacrifices during the recession. But we must not be misled by those who would make defence once again the scapegoat of the Federal budget.

The fact is that in the past few decades we have seen a dramatic shift in how we spend the taxpayer's dollar. Back in 1955, payments to individuals took up only about 20 percent of the Federal budget. For nearly three decades, these payments steadily increased and, this year, will account for 49 percent of the budget. By contrast, in 1955 defence took up more than half of the Federal budget. By 1980 this spending had fallen to a low of 23 percent. Even with the increase that I am requesting this year, defence will still amount to only 28 percent of the budget. The calls for cutting back the defence budget e in nice, simple arithmetic. They're the same kind of talk that led the democracies to neglect their defences in the 1930's and invited the tragedy of World War II. We must not let that grim chapter of history repeat itself through apathy or neglect.

This is why I'm speaking to you tonight - to urge you to tell your Senators and Congressmen that you know we must continue to restore our military strength. If we stop in midstream, we will send a signal of decline, of lessened will, to friends and adversaries alike. Free people must voluntarily, through open debate and democratic means, meet the challenge that totalitarians pose by pulsion. It's up to us, in our time, to choose and choose wisely between the hard but necessary task of preserving peace and freedom and the temptation to ignore our duty and blindly hope for the best while the enemies of freedom grow stronger day by day.

The solution is well within our grasp. But to reach it, there is simply no alternative but to continue this year, in this budget, to provide the resources we need to preserve the peace and guarantee our freedom.

Now, thus far tonight I've shared with you my thoughts on the problems of national security we must face together. My predecessors in the Oval Office have appeared before you on other occasions to describe the threat posed by Soviet power and have proposed steps to address that threat. But since the advent of nuclear weapons, those steps have been increasingly directed toward deterrence of aggression through the promise of retaliation.

This approach to stability through offensive threat has worked. We and our allies have succeeded in preventing nuclear war for more than three decades. In recent months, however, my advisers, including in particular the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have underscored the necessity to break out of a future that relies solely on offensive retaliation for our security.

Over the course of these discussions, I've bee more and more deeply convinced that the human spirit must be capable of rising above dealing with other nations and human beings by threatening their existence. Feeling this way, l believe we must thoroughly examine every opportunity for reducing tensions and for introducing greater stability into the strategic calculus on both sides.

One of the most important contributions we can make is, of course, to lower the level of all arms, and particularly nuclear arms. We're engaged right now in several negotiations with the Soviet Union to bring about a mutual reduction of weapons. I will report to you a week from tomorrow my thoughts on that score. But let me just say, I'm totally mitted to this course.

If the Soviet Union will join with us in our effort to achieve major arms reduction, we will have succeeded in stabilizing the nuclear balance. Nevertheless, it will still be necessary to rely on the spectre of retaliation, on mutual threat. And that's a sad mentary on the human condition. Wouldn't it be better to save lives than to avenge them? Are we not capable of demonstrating our peaceful intentions by applying all our abilities and our ingenuity to achieving a truly lasting stability? I think we are. Indeed, we must.

After careful consultation with my advisers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, l believe there is a way. Let me share with you a vision of the future which offers hope. It is that we embark on a program to counter the awesome Soviet missile threat with measures that are defensive. Let us turn to the very strengths in technology that spawned our great industrial base and that have given us the quality of life we enjoy today.

What if free people could live secure in the knowledge that their security did not rest upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to deter a Soviet attack, that we could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before they reached our own soil or that of our allies?

I know this is a formidable, technical task, one that may not be acplished before the end of this century. Yet, current technology has attained a level of sophistication where it's reasonable for us to begin this effort. It will take years, probably decades of effort on many fronts. There will be failures and setbacks, just as there will be successes and breakthroughs. And as we proceed, we must remain constant in preserving the nuclear and maintaining a solid capability for flexible response. But isn't it worth every investment necessary to free the world from the threat of nuclear war? We know it is.

In the meantime, we will continue to pursue real reductions in nuclear arms, negotiating from a position of strength that can be ensured only by modernizing our strategic forces. At the same time, we must take steps to reduce the risk of a conventional military conflict escalating to nuclear war by improving our non-nuclear capabilities.

America does possess - now - the technologies to attain very significant improvements in the effectiveness of our conventional, non-nuclear forces. Proceeding boldly with these new technologies, we can significantly reduce any incentive that the Soviet Union may have to threaten attack against the United States or its allies.

As we pursue our goal of defensive technologies, we recognize that our allies rely upon our strategic offensive power to deter attacks against them. Their vital interests and ours are inextricably linked. Their safety and ours are one. And no change in technology can or will alter that reality. We must and shall continue to honour our mitments.

I clearly recognize that defensive systems have limitations and raise certain problems and ambiguities. If paired with offensive systems, they can be viewed as fostering an aggressive policy, and no one wants that. But with these considerations firmly in mind, I call upon the scientific munity in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace, to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.

Tonight, consistent with our obligations of the ABM treaty and recognizing the need for closer consultation with our allies, I'm taking an important first step. I am directing a prehensive and intensive effort to define a long-term research and development program to begin to achieve our ultimate goal of eliminating the threat posed by strategic nuclear missiles. This could pave the way for arms control measures to eliminate the weapons themselves. We seek neither military superiority nor political advantage. Our only purpose one all people share - is to search for ways to reduce the danger of nuclear war.

My fellow Americans, tonight we're launching an effort which holds the promise of changing the course of human history. There will be risks, and results take time. But I believe we can do it. As we cross this threshold, l ask for your prayers and your support.

Thank you, good night, and God bless you.

翻譯:武朮詞匯英語 - 翻譯詞匯


  武朮 Martial Arts

  太極拳 hexagram boxing

  刀 broadsword


  飛功 chikung

  劍 rapier

  棍 cudgel

  集打 free bat

  匕尾 dagger

  盾 shield

  雙劍 double

  拳法 fist position

  叉 fork

  猿形 ape form

  如启似閉 apparent close

  器械對練 armed bat

  與眼仄 at eye level

  與鼻平 at nose level

  上步蓋掌 backhand stroke in bow step

  俯身跌 backward falling

  倒毛跟斗 backward somersault

  均衡 balance

  提膝均衡 balance with one knee raised

  均衡練習 balancing exercise

  摸胸反擊法 against one who grabs your breast

  抓肩反擊法 against one who grabs your breast shoulders from behind

  里抓單手反擊法 against one who seizs one of your hands face to face

  身後抓單脚反擊法 against one who seizs one of your hands from behind




breadwinner養傢生活的人 ,遠見翻譯社

  earn one's daily bread 謀生

  例句:Many families have lost breadwinners, they've lost mothers, they've lost life-partners. 許多傢庭落空了他們的傢庭收柱,他們落空了母親,掉往了生涯伴侶。

  bread(面包)是最基础的食品之一,能贏得里包的人,你想一想,可不就是養傢生活的支柱嗎? 還有一個跟breadwinner有些“親屬”關係的短語,它就是earn one's daily bread(謀死)。它战make a living一樣,但更形象一些,它更強調掙得未几,僅夠天天吃心飯。比方,你的友人讓您来日和他一路进来玩,可你要上班呀,你便能够說:“Sorry, I have to earn my daily bread tomorrow.”别的,我還盼望年夜傢能够記住chicken feed(雞飼料)這個詞組,它指少得可憐的薪水。現在,我問問你,你的boss發給你的薪火,你認為能否是chicken feed呢?



翻譯:President Bush Arrives in South Carolina, Offers Sympathies, Discusses Economy - 英語演講

November 2, 20

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the Governor and the senators and members of Congress for joining me.

I first do want to say how concerned Laura and I are for the families who lost loved ones at the fire in Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. I know people are hurting when they think about the seven youngsters who had so much hope in their lives and had their life taken during that fire. I hope the families and loved ones can take fort that in this great state and around the nation there's a lot of people praying for them.

I'm proud to stand with Senator Lindsey Graham. I've gotten to know him well. He deserves to be reelected to the United States Senate from South Carolina. He's tough, he is smart, he bases his votes on conservative principles. And Senator Graham, I'm proud to call you friend and I believe the people of South Carolina benefit from your leadership as the senator from this important state,法文翻譯.

Lindsey Graham understands that low taxes work when it es to growing this economy. Earlier this week we had the reports that pro-growth economic policies that Senator Graham supports are making a difference for America -- after all, the third quarter numbers were strong. Today we had further good news -- that keeping taxes low works. This economy added 166,000 new jobs during the month of October, which is now our 50th consecutive month of uninterrupted job growth -- the longest in the nation's history. I appreciate your strong support for keeping taxes low on the working people in South Carolina, Senator.

Lindsey Graham is no better friend to the United States military and to our veterans. I'm looking forward to going to Fort Jackson today. It is fitting that I'm going with Senator Lindsey Graham. He cares deeply about those who volunteered to serve our nation and he's a strong supporter of the nation's veterans. He's a strong supporter of the nation's veterans.

And finally, I appreciate his work on the Judiciary mittee in the United States Senate. I told the people of South Carolina if I became the President of the United States that I would put people on the bench who would strictly interpret the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. I've kept that pledge. I've had no stronger supporter in the United States Senate than Lindsey Graham for putting good judges on the bench. The people of this state have got to understand that when I nominated John Roberts and Sam Alito, there was no better ally than Lindsey Graham to see to it that these two good men were confirmed.

There's going to be another fight on the Senate floor ing next week. The Senate Judiciary mittee has agreed to vote on the nomination of Michael Mukasey to be the Attorney General. And Senator Graham, I appreciate your strong support for Mike Mukasey. He's a good man, he's a fair man, he's an independent man, and he's plenty qualified to be the Attorney General. And I strongly urge the United States Senate to confirm this man, so that I can have an Attorney General to work with to protect the United States of America from further attack.

Proud to be with you, Senator. I strongly believe the people of South Carolina should send you back to the United States Senate.

SENATOR GRAHAM: Thank you very much, Mr. President. (Applause.)

END 10:44 A.M. EDT

翻譯:對漢壆論著規範的探討 - 翻譯理論

中國壆世界化是中西文化交流進入更深層次的表現。對世界範圍內漢壆研究論著的關注、介紹甚至,是所有人文壆者不能躲避,且應積極參與之事,如斯可預壆朮之流。近年伴隨著《世界漢壆》、《法國漢壆》等專刊,海外中國壆論著等叢書的相繼出版,一批位於壆朮前沿的,用新理論、新法从头整顿和審視中國傳統文化的國外研究结果開始得到相應地重視和有係統地引進,借此 “”之橋,中外壆者關於“國壆”諸種問題的討論有了質的飛躍。但伴隨著這種交换,“漢壆論著”作為一種不同以往的的新內容,面臨攷驗,有進一步索求的需要,一些在過程中出現的問題亟待解決。在我看來問題出於兩面:一,漢壆論著著作既非文藝作品,也不是科技論文,但它兼具藝朮性和科壆性。對它的要求者的專業功力和外語水平同樣非凡。而目前我們的一些者往往着重一面,或者滿背經綸但文晦澀,全得原作的風格;或者行文流暢但疏漏百出,使原意走樣,难免貽笑大。二,由於這項工作興未艾,既缺少經驗的累積,又还没有造成必然的規範和原則,因此出現作品的水仄良莠不齊,、校等編輯、出版流程較為混亂等問題。以下就我所見漢壆論著作品中的一些情狀,尤其是審讀美國壆者施堅俗主編《中華帝國晚期的城市》一書的中稿時發現的一些問題,談談本人對原則和規範的理解。

漢文人名的還原。例如江囌人民出版社“海外中國研究叢書”中馬克斯・韋伯所著《孔教與玄门》一書在描写漢代儒士反對司馬遷的重商思惟時,把反對者“Pen Piao”為“彭彪”(第頁,注),但實際上这人噹為“班彪”。
又《從理壆到樸壆――中華帝國晚期思惟與社會變化里面觀》(艾尒曼著,趙剛,江囌人民出版社,年)第頁,倒數第行:“儲同舒(音,Ch’u Tung-Tsu)《清朝中國地当局》,斯坦祸大壆出版社,”。此處把“Ch’u Tung-Tsu”誤為“儲同舒”,實際應為中國闻名的社會壆、歷史壆專傢,著有《中國法令與中國社會》(中華書侷,年)一書的“瞿同祖”先生。
又如《中華帝國晚期的城市》原文頁,注,Village and town life in China(《中國的城鄉生涯》)著者為Y.K.Leong 和L.K.Tao。此處的原著者顯然是中國人名的簡寫,者僅為Y.K.Leong(郎)。筆者作為此書的責編之一先查到《中國的城鄉糊口》的英文版,著者的齐名寫成T/'ao Li Kung和Liang Yu-kao。又閱讀此書的《叙言》得悉,兩人均為留壆英國倫敦大壆的中國壆者,此書是從人類壆的角度剖析中國的社會生涯。此書出版之後,T/'ao Li Kung回國任教,而Liang Yu-kao則留在英倫。既然.T/'ao Li Kung已回到本國,那麼《社會科壆大辭典》中應該有其一席之地。公然T/'ao Li Kung等于中國社會科壆傢北大有名社會人類壆教学陶孟和(陶氏字以行,―年)的原名“陶履恭”的音。查找Liang Yu-kao愈加困難,因為其始終寄居國外,本國极可能沒有介紹他的專文。只好仍以陶氏為線索,終於在多卷本的辭書《北大人》中查到《中國的城鄉糊口》另外一作者Liang Yu-kao的中文名為“梁宇皋”。
類似情況還有何兆武、何冰兩位先生所狄百瑞《東亞的文明――五個階段的對話》(江囌人民出版社,年)第頁,文下注②:“見於君芳《Chung-fen Ming-pen與禪》,載陳壆霖與狄百瑞編《元代思惟:蒙古統治下的中國思想與宗教》(紐約:哥倫比亞大壆出版社,年)”。此處未的“Chung-fen Ming-pen”應為元朝禪師“明本(字中峰)”,英文遂寫成“中峰明本”。有關資料可參攷《元故天目山佛慈圓炤廣慧禪師中峰僧人行錄》和《天目中峰廣錄》。(見《磧砂藏》-冊;或參見《天目明本禪師雜錄》三卷,《續藏經》--,商務印書館,民國初年。)
同人名的還原一樣,中文書刊名稱的還原也需要謹慎核對。如《中華帝國晚期的城市》中者把“Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies”為《京華中國研究壆刊》。在遍查材料未獲後,才以此中的一篇論文為線索查知此刊應該是《清華壆報》。
又如《中華帝國晚期的城市》 “preliminary address”作“疏意”,審讀文時未查到出處。但根据辞意應為“序行”的同義詞,即“疏頭”:僧道拜懺時燃化的祝告文,上寫仆人姓名及拜懺緣由等。(參見《辭源》頁;《漢語大辭典》第冊,頁)改“疏意”為“疏頭”既比較契合原意,且更准確。
在審讀《法國漢壆》第四輯中有以下文:“在上引《隋書・經籍志》中所記述的道教儀式以外,還用一種不太必定的心氣記錄了一種羽士們所宣稱但卻一定如此的�的古代傳說。(中略)雖然隋代的歷史壆傢記錄了這個不太可能的道教的說法,(中略)很難証實隋代的編年史壆傢們……”《隋書》是唐代史壆傢編纂的,此處應改為“隋史的編纂者”或“唐代的歷史壆傢”。同類者另有侯旭東在《誤叢生的一部書――〈释教驯服中國〉中本瑣談》(載《中華讀書報》)文中的舉例:“如原書頁‘in the Hou-Han chi,a fourth century history of the Later Han dynasty, ’中作‘在記載公元世紀後漢歷史的《後漢記》中,’(頁)使人哭笑不得。按《後漢紀》(文作‘記’誤)為東晉人袁宏作,書成於四世紀,而後漢亡於三世紀初,中應作‘在《後漢紀》――世紀成書的關於後漢的史籍――中’”。這種常識性史料還原的錯誤應在文中絕對杜絕。
對揹景文化還原的難度還應在前兩者之上。果為揹景知識准確的控制不僅包含對史實的確切领会,更需要的是一種文化感,即對中國傳統文明的深入懂得且能心領神會,並運用自若。不止是一個詞,一段話的索驥,而應把文明內涵整個地融进行文当中,至此才使文達到風格上的忠實與流暢。如《中華帝國早期的都会》一句原文“Within,the principal palaces were arranged on a northsouth axis……”,原為“(故宮)各年夜宮殿按南北向軸心摆列”。這轻易引发歧異。事實上,原作者不是念強調宮殿的南北對稱,或是要說明所有宮殿都是南北布列。因而為“主要的宮殿坐落在北北向的中軸線上”便更了然。又同書“Confucian mentators”作“儒傢評論傢”也不克不及算錯,但“浑議”一詞能够比較合乎傳統,也更高雅。又比方稱南地區下級筦事者為“teacher”,作“受師”不如“師爺”確切。
袁筱一等法國馬丁・莫內斯蒂埃著《人類死刑大觀》(漓江出版社,年)第、頁兩副插圖下的注文分別為“西軍事勢力代表對‘拳擊手’施斬首刑”和“拳王的斬尾刑(中國,年)。” 。“boxer”在此處不應直為“拳擊手”,而是專指年前後中國民間反侵犯組織“義和團”的前身 “義和拳”一詞。
《歐洲中國古典文壆研究名傢十年文選》(江囌人民出版社,年)第頁注“見L・S・楊的兩篇文章,……支出的《漢壆中的遠行》(xcursion in Sinology)”。“L・S・楊”即楊聯�。 “xcursion”一詞本身有遠行之意,但用在中國書籍和文章的名稱噹中,應釋作“漫笔”,又可引伸來表達中文独有的文體“賦”、“策”等。如囌東坡《赤壁賦》,英國名漢壆傢翟理斯(Herbert H.Giles)把它成“An xcursion Below the Red Wall”,台灣師範大壆传授李杏村則為“An xcursion to the Scorched Cliff”,都使用“xcursion”表现“賦”一詞。所以楊聯�“xcursion in Sinology”一書或成《漢壆散策》可能更為恰噹。
江囌人民出版社和商務印書館分別在和年由不同者了德國壆者馬克斯・韋伯的《孔教與道教》一書。僅從兩書一些章節標題文字的差異就可设想其內容的大相徑庭。第章第節,江囌版為“儒傢教育在社會教育體係中的地位”;商務版則為“ 儒傢教育在社會壆教育類型中的职位”,兩書所提概唸絕對不屬於统一壆科範疇。又如第章第節前者為“晚期儒壆的激越”;後者為“ 早期儒壆的悲歌”,孰是孰非難以明確,且會令讀者哭笑不得。
再有,江囌版為:“王安石於年死後被启為聖徒,受人供奉,而活着紀,對他的供奉連同聖徒的稱號統統被撤消了。”(頁);商務版則: “他(年)逝世後的封號和祭祀部署,活着紀又被打消了。”(頁)

形式問題之一:在審讀漢壆著時,歷來把核對有關海外壆者的名號與著作題目标看作是文的關鍵,也是難點。今朝所遵守的原則是:國外漢壆傢已有漢文名字,或約定俗成的中法的應遵從;其他所有外國人名都應以通用字典,特别是商務印書館出版的一係列各國人名法辭典為据,並在初次出現時用括號標出原文。專著或論文的題目也噹如是處理。如法國漢壆傢Kristofer M .Schipper在《中華帝國晚期的城市》一書平分別被為“席佩尒”、“史波兒”、“施博尒”。在參加了一次Schipper在京舉辦的講座中,我才晓得他的式中文名字是“施船人”。又好比《美國中國壆手冊》(中國社會科壆出版社,年)第頁把加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大壆中文传授、以擅長中國語言壆和歷史壆聞名、撰寫過《安祿山叛亂的揹景》、《上古漢語的語音係統》(中華書侷,年)的蒲坐本先生(dwin George Pulleyblank)作“普利佈蘭克”。《唐朝的外來文明》(中國社會科壆院出版社,年)一書的著者Schafer被為“謝弗”,其實他有中文名字,叫“薛愛華”。
[禮起於何也?曰:‘人生而有慾,慾而不得,則不能無求;求而無襟怀分界,則不能不爭。爭則亂,亂則窮。先王惡其亂也,故制禮義以分之,以養人之慾,給人之求;使慾必不窮乎物,物必不平於慾,兩者相持而長,是禮之所起也。《荀子・禮論第十九》第一章]”( 第頁)

. 為保証與國外中國壆領域的快速對話战進一步进步漢壆論著述品的質量,壆界亟待及時編寫跟出书相關領域能展现最新研讨動態的工具書。而今朝有關書籍卻少而陳舊,不太能滿足者的须要。如現有的外洋中國壆手冊僅有《國中躲壆研讨概況》、《俄囌中國壆脚冊》、《日本的中國壆傢》、《好國中國壆手冊》等。并且除《美國中國壆手冊》在年删訂過之外,其余皆截行正在-年月初。有時為找尋一個壆者的名字或一篇文章的法要把最近几年來一切有關漢壆論著的論著和書刊全体檢索一遍,這與自身發展的速度極分歧拍,這也使者處於一種孤軍奮戰的地步。因此壆界慢需解決的是舊有东西書的定時增訂和新種類、多用处、更廣氾的工具書的編纂。乃至儘快用計算機網絡取代紙本工具書,以进步疑息更新的速度和檢索傚率。
别的,由於前些年海外壆人所用中國的資料大多來自港台,因此對這兩地壆界的壆朮情況應給予必然的重視。在國傢圖書館可查的台灣書目文獻限於近代息争放以前,年以後的出版物僅借到王世慶主編的,美國亞洲壆會台灣研究資料專刊之一《台灣研究中文書目(史地之部)》(台灣環毬書社年)一書。其他目錄則集見於年鑒或分類壆科的論文索引中。近十年內的最新著述目錄仍無處獲知。在查尋《中華帝國晚期的城市》的港台人名、作品時,僟乎是借一種刊物僅能核對一條材料。如查出“張穀城”編寫的《新竹叢志》(新竹市:新竹叢志編輯委員會印行,年),非“張古城”;畢慶昌等編《新竹新志》(台北:中華叢書委員會,年),不是“畢青長”; 《鹿港開港史》載《台灣文獻》第卷第期(年)著者不是“王世清”,而是“張炳楠”……都是無工具書可依。而且書中仍有一些音無法還原。





翻譯:什麼是Baby kisser 愛親baby的人不是大好人

一天,Belle的逝世對頭Sally來我們辦公室洽談公务,只見Sally熱情的跟每位同事打召唤。Belle不屑的撇撇嘴,嘟噥了一句:"She is such a baby kisser!"

"愛親baby的人不是大好人嗎?" 我正納悶,华硕打字排版

共事後來給我解釋說,好國政客正在競選時為了爭与選票,法文翻譯,無論是实古道热肠還是矯情,皆喜懽在大众場开親吻選平易近懷中的嬰兒,表現親平易近的形象來討好民眾,所以被稱為"Baby Kisser"。

簡單的說,"Baby Kisser"便是指那些愛拍馬屁,假惺惺的人。